MPickIt Lottery Number Picker Options

Pick options allow you adjust when and how the lottery numbers are picked. Pick options are only available in the Professional version.
Spins: - This option sets the number of times numbers are picked before the lottery numbers are picked. You can set Spins from 1 to 999. Increasing the Spins value too high it will slow down the picks. We recommend not setting this value above 999. Using high Spins and RSpins values the lottery numbers picked will not appear for some time and it will appear the program has stopped working. The program has not stopped working it is working on your picks. The default is 1.
RSpins: - This option sets the maximum number of random numbers are picked before the numbers is picked. You can set RSpins from 1 to 999. Increasing the RSpins value to high will slow down the picks. Using high Spins and RSpins values the lottery numbers picked will not appear for some time and it will appear the program has stopped working. The program has not stopped working it is working on your picks. The default is 1.
Add#: - This option adds a number to each number picked. You can set Add# from 0 to 9. When a Add# number is entered the number entered will become the starting value of the numbers picked. Add# is not recommended for any lottery where the maximum number is 9 or less. If the maximum number is 9 this value will be limited to 2. The default is 0.
ARand#: - This option adds a a random number from 0 to the number entered in the ARand# option to each number picked. You can set ARand# from 0 to 9. When a Add# number is entered the number entered will become the starting value of the numbers picked. Add# is not recommended for any lottery where the maximum number is 9 or less. If the maximum number is 9 this value will be limited to 5. The default is 0.
Changing any of the options will affect the numbers picked.
Changing the Spins or RSpins will affect the numbers picked and may slow down picks. Using high Spins and RSpins values the lottery numbers picked will not appear for some time and it will appear the program has stopped working. The program has not stopped working it is working on your picks.