MWords - screen shot
MWORDS - The Word Learning Game:
MWords is the word learning game, with over 174,000 words in the Pro Version "Hard" Level you will find hours of learing and fun for the whole family. Learn new words improve your spelling and words comprehension while having some fun. Plays like the old time favorite hangman game except you are given a description of the word you try to guess the word, phrase, abbreviation or number. The description may contain the word. You can play hangman or play for play money. Play 1 or more players the winner will receive a MGames Phunny Money Check for their winnings. Use Game Options change game options and the Player Board to add players and track scores. To play Hangman or to play for play money. Some options may not be available, please read the Product Chart if you have any question about what options are available to you.
To play:
Single player:
1) Click "Easy", "Normal" or "Hard" to select Play Type.
2) Click ""
to change the Game Display from the Hangman
display to the Money display if you wish to play for play money. You can change
Game Display at anytime while playing the game.
3) Click the "Start" button or press the enter key.
4) Enter a letter in the guess entry box and press the "Enter" key on the keyboard or click a letter or number from the MQuick Entry Picker. Using the MQuick Entry Picker you will skip number 5.
5) Click the "Guess" button or press enter to try your guess.
6) If you guess correct the letter amount times the number of letters will be added to your winnings. If guess wrong the letter amount will be subtracted from your winnings.
7) Continue to guess until you guess the word or you run out of guesses.
8) If you guess the the word the Prize Amount will be added to your winnings. If you guess wrong the Prize Amount will be subtracted from your winnings.
9) The correct answer along with a description of the word and word type such as "Noun", "Verb", "Synonym", "Analogue" etc.. will be displayed if you guess the answer or when the game is over.
10) To play again click "Start"
Multi-player or Team Play:
1) Click "Easy", "Normal" or "Hard" to select Play Type.
2) Click ""
to change the Game Display from the Hangman
display to the Money display. You can change Game
Display at anytime while playing the game.
3) Click "G" to change Game Options if you wish to change the style of play. You play for an amount or play elimination style. Use the timer to speed up play.
4) Click "P" to display the Player Board to select players or teams. You can add new players or teams buy click MPlayer(s) button on the Player Board.
5) Click the "Start" button or press the enter key.
6) Enter a letter in the guess entry box and press the "Enter" key on the keyboard or click a letter or number from the MQuick Entry Picker. Using the MQuick Entry Picker you will skip number 7.
7) Click the "Guess" button or press enter to try your guess.
8) If player or team guesses correctly then the letter amount times the number of letters will be added to the player or team winnings and their turn continues play, however if you have selected elimination play turn goes to the next player or team regards of correct or wrong.
9) If player or team guesses wrong the letter amount will be subtracted from the player or team winnings and turn goes to the next player or team.
10) Continue to guess until you guess the word or you run out of guesses.
11) If a player or team guesses the the word the Prize Amount will be added to the player or team winnings.
12) If no player or team guesses the word within the number of guesses allowed the game is over and the Prize Amount will be subtracted from the last players or teams winnings to guess wrong.
13) The correct answer along with a description of the word and word type such "Noun", "Verb", "Synonym", "Analogue" etc.. will be displayed if you guess the answer or when the game is over.
14) To play again click "Start"
15) Play continues until someone wins, a win is based on Game Options you selected. If playing for an amount the first player or team over the prize amount wins. If playing $0=Out last player or team left is the winner.
Some options may not be available, please read the Product Chart if you have any question about what options are available to you.
© Copyright 1996-2009 by James Otis Crittenden III. All rights reserved.